The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance (NAPA) is a national foundation for animal welfare in Norway. Founded in 2001, the organisation has a staff of dedicated professionals, and is governed by a board of directors. The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance is non-partisan and secular.
The organisation is listed in the public register for Norwegian NGOs, and is a member of the Norwegian Fundraising Association and the Ethical Trade Norway. We are approved by the Norwegian Gaming and Foundation Authority, and are partially funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance is audited by a certified auditor, and reports yearly to the Foundation Authority and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
We collaborate internationally and are a member of Eurogroup for Animals and an observer to the World Fedration for Animals.
Summaries of important events and victories:
- 2025: Jersey dairy: Norway's first drinking milk with animal welfare certification
- 2025: Breakthrough: Norway's sovereign wealth fund introduces animal welfare expectations
- 2023: Ross 308 production in Norway is nearing its end
- 2023: Norway: An end to killing day-old male chicks in sight
- 2023: How can we reduce farmed salmon mortality?
- 2022: Fish farming in Norway
- 2022: More space and daylight for nearly 20% of Norwegian chickens
- 2021: Norwegian Oil Fund’s investments screened for animal welfare violations
- 2022: The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance – List of achievements
- 2021: New consumer guide on wool produced with animal welfare labelling
- 2020: Animal welfare becomes mandatory for Norwegian companies
- 2020: Important insight about the welfare of juvenile farmed salmon
- 2019: Breaking News: Norway bans fur farming
- 2019: New report reveals unnaturally high mortality in aquaculture hatcheries
- 2018: A transformation of Norwegian chicken production
- 2018: NAPA launches Norway's first animal welfare label for food
- 2014: Foie gras campaign in Norway
- 2011: Ban on animal testing of marine algal toxins
Our vision
The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance's vision is that no animal should suffer for profit, ignorance or traditions. Our vision is based on these principles:
- An animal's intrinsic value is independent of the animal's species, individual qualities and human emotional relationship to the animal.
- Animals are individuals capable of positive and negative sensations, both physically and mentally. To deprive animals the opportunity of positive experiences can therefore be as reprehensible as subjecting animals to negative experiences.
- Human interests rooted in entertainment, economy, science, religion or tradition do not give humans the unconditional right to expose animals to negative experiences or deprive them of positive experiences.
- A precautionary approach should be applied in regard to the human treatment of animals: If there is doubt as to whether an animal is exposed to negative experiences or deprived of positive experiences, the animal should be given the benefit of the doubt.
Our purpose
We help the animals who need it most in intensive production. We prioritize those areas which impact many animals, and involve a high degree of suffering. This involves working to advance welfare for farmed mammals, birds and fish. The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance prioritizes strictly, giving priority to:
- The areas impacting a high number of animals
- The areas with high levels of suffering
- The cases where the animals have the best chance of winning
Our values
The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance should be trusted for animals and humans. Our core values are:
- Credibility
- Impact
- Friendliness
Our goals
Our main goal is for all animals to have a good quality of life. Our goals are based on the "five freedoms" for animals. This framework is an internationally accepted and widely recognized starting point for ensuring good animal welfare:
- Freedom from hunger and thirst
- Freedom from physical discomfort
- Freedom from pain, injury and illness
- Freedom from anxiety and fear
- Freedom to perform natural behavior
Good animal welfare is not only about avoiding bad health, pain and stress, but also about having the freedom to fulfill innate behaviour and experience joy and coping.
Our methods
The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance emphasizes a solid scientific approach, and long-term commitment. We are goal oriented, and always choose cooperation before confrontation whenever possible.
Most of our work is focused on political and corporate advocacy. In addition, we also work for public information by providing information for consumers.
The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance abides to democratic working methods and pushes for reform through communication based on hard facts and scientific documentation.
What we don't do
The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance is not an activist organisation. We do not arrange public demonstrations, and we have no positions for volunteers. We do not rehome or rehabilitate animals. Other Norwegian organisations exist which already do a good job of this, and we aim for Norwegian animal welfare organisations to complement each other, in order to make as big a change as possible for those who need it the most.
The Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance does not support any working methods that violate the law.
Contact information to the Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance
Adr.: Brenneriveien 7, 0182 Oslo, Norway.
Tlf.: (+47) 22 20 16 50
Organisation nr.: 983 482 392
Account (IBAN): NO61 0537 3487 378